A subdomain is a website address, that's under a main, or a root domain name. An illustration is something.domain.com, where domain.com is the main domain, while "something" is the subdomain below it. Every single subdomain can have its own website and records i.e. apart from employing the domain name as part of the whole web address, a subdomain can be fully independent and also hosted by a separate provider. Using a subdomain could be very handy if you'd like to have different sites which are associated in some way. For example, you can have a web-based store under the main domain along with a forum under a subdomain so as to provide means for your customers to ask questions or share views concerning your products. The best thing about employing a subdomain as opposed to a subfolder is that the web sites will be separated, so you can update one of them or perform maintenance without affecting the other.

Subdomains in Cloud Web Hosting

Through our cloud web hosting plans you're going to be able to create subdomains with only a few clicks in your hosting Control Panel. All of them are going to be listed in one spot together with the domain addresses hosted in the account and arranged under their own domain in order to make their administration simpler. Whatever the plan that you select, you are going to be able to create numerous subdomains and set their access folder or set up custom error pages along the way. Additionally, you'll have access to numerous functions for any of them with just a click, so from the exact same section in which you create them you can access their DNS records, files, visitor statistics, etc. Unlike other companies, we haven't limited the number of subdomains which you can have even if you host just one domain name inside the account.

Subdomains in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you buy a semi-dedicated server package, you'll be able to create as many subdomains as you want since this feature is unlimited. Considering that the website hosting packages are rather powerful, we've decided not to set any cap on the amount of subdomains. Our state-of-the-art Hepsia Control Panel will permit you to create a new subdomain with no more than a couple of mouse clicks, to pick which folder it is going to access in the account, to activate FrontPage Extensions for it, to create unique error pages, to set a shared or a dedicated IP address if you have one, and many more. To make it easier for you, all the subdomains will be listed under their root domain, so that you can easily see and control them. Through quick access links, you will also have the ability to open the website files for any of the subdomains that you have or see its DNS records.