In case you’re a site owner, a problem can always emerge and it doesn’t necessarily need to be associated with the hosting service itself. For instance, something may go wrong when you update a web-based application or some crucial data could be modified or erased mistakenly. Regardless of what the nature of the problem might be, you’ll have to get in touch with the respective customer service team and request them to restore a backup or to help you fix the problem that you are encountering. How timely they will do it will determine the period of time that your websites will be unreachable. For given websites like social networking websites or Internet shops, a frequent outage interval often means lost visitors and money. For this reason, it is pretty important for you to use the services of a web hosting company that offers not only a very good client care service, but also a timely one.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Web Hosting

If you are using one of our Linux cloud web hosting packages and you have a question or experience some obstacle, you can get in touch with us 24-7 by opening a tech support ticket or by writing an e-mail and we will make sure that you have an answer in no more than 60 minutes. If the issue can be sorted out, we will do it before we reply to you, while in case there is something that you need to do on your end, we’ll provide you with all the required information – what settings to check, what possible solutions to try out, and so on. Usually, you’ll receive a response within thirty minutes max, which implies that waiting around for hours or even for more than 1 day to receive support is something out of the question. Our one-hour response guarantee applies to any query that you may have – billing, general or technical.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Since we understand precisely how essential it is to get quick help, we promise that you will never have to wait around for more than 60 minutes to obtain a response to any trouble ticket that you open from your semi-dedicated server CP. The fact is, you’ll rarely have to wait around for more than twenty to thirty minutes and this is valid for any inquiry irrespective of its nature – technical, billing or general. On top of that, our technical and customer support team is available 24/7/365, which means that even if you open a ticket during national holidays, you’ll invariably receive a blazing-fast reply, which will contain the answer to an enquiry, the solution to a problem or the details needed to resolve an issue yourself – if there is something that you need to do on your end. If you use our services, you’ll never have to waste an entire day hanging around awaiting a reply like you would with plenty of other hosting companies.