Setting up a CNAME record for any one of the domain names or subdomains you have in the hosting account will enable you to direct it to a different domain/subdomain. The forwarded domain will lose all its records - A, MX etc, and will take the records of the Internet domain it's being forwarded to. In this light, you simply can't set up a CNAME record to redirect your domain name to a third-party company and retain a working email service with the first hosting company. Also, it is very important to know that a CNAME record is always a string of words and not a number because it is regularly wrongly identified as the A record of the domain address being forwarded. One of the main uses of a CNAME record is to direct a domain you own through one provider to the servers of another provider if you have set up a site with the latter. By doing this, the site will appear under your own domain name, not under some subdomain provided by the third-party company.

CNAME Records in Cloud Web Hosting

You can easily create CNAME records provided you have a Linux cloud web hosting package through our company. We'll supply you with an easy-to-use Control Panel that enables you to see all DNS records for the domain names and subdomains that are hosted in the account. Setting up a CNAME record involves a number of basic steps - pick the domain/subdomain, select CNAME as the type, enter the hostname you are pointing to, after that simply click on the Save button. The process is as simple as that and the new record will be active almost instantly. In this way, you will have more control over your domain names and subdomains and over the content they open, you could set up a private URL for company e-mails, and a lot more. If you feel unsure about how to create a new record or you have never done such a task, you will find a short video tutorial in which you can see the whole process first-hand. If you decide to edit or delete an existing CNAME record created for a domain/subdomain hosted on our end, it'll require literally only a mouse click to get it done.

CNAME Records in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with every single one of our semi-dedicated server accounts, will permit you to create a CNAME record without difficulty. Whether you want to create a private URL for your e-mails, to redirect a domain name to a subdomain in the account or to forward a domain to another provider and use some third-party service which they provide, it will not take you more than three mouse clicks to create such a record. All DNS records for the domain names and subdomains hosted in the semi-dedicated account are going to be listed in a separate section in the CP, so once you are there, all you will have to do will be to select the type of the record that you want to set up and the hostname for which you are creating it, and then enter the actual record text. For your convenience, you can watch a short video within the Control Panel on how to set up a CNAME record or you can refer to the instructions in the help article, that is available in the DNS records section.