ClientExec is a widespread billing and support solution, that is used by a large number of website hosting companies and their resellers. It is feature-rich and customizable, and it will enable you to launch and maintain your own reseller company with ease. ClientExec will allow you to accept web payments through different payment processors or to offer domain name registrations and SSL certificates through different providers, to set prices for web hosting packages and add-ons, to view detailed stats about the clients in addition to the services they've purchased, as well as monthly reports about how your business is doing. Also, ClientExec includes an integrated ticket system, which means that you're able to provide support to all your clients. Should you manage an actual company, you're able to give different stages of access to the management team, your help and support team, the sales staff, etcetera, with pre-defined options they will be able to access and to modify.

ClientExec Billing and Support Software in VPS

We give ClientExec at no additional cost with all of the Linux VPS packages which are ordered with the cPanel website hosting Control Panel. In case you do not have some other billing solution or you do not plan to spend money on one, you can easily take advantage of our offer and our tech support team reps can install a licensed copy of ClientExec on your VPS without any restrictions with regards to the time you'll be able to use it or the functions you can access. Thus, you will be able to save cash and effort when you create your reseller company. ClientExec can be used with the eNom domain reseller account, that we also give you without charge with all the cPanel-equipped servers, which means that you will get an overall reseller solution and all you will need to pay for it is the monthly fee for the virtual server itself.

ClientExec Billing and Support Software in Dedicated Hosting

When you obtain one of our Linux dedicated servers hosting packages, we will provide you with ClientExec as part of the bundle which comes free of cost with all of our servers, which means that you won't have to look for a billing application for your reseller business or pay for such. We will provide the software with the full license, so you won't be limited in terms of time or functionality in any way and you can use it for as long as you use the server itself. We can set up ClientExec for you and save you money, effort and time, so you'll be able to set up everything and begin offering hosting plans and domains to customers very quickly. The app can be used with the eNom domain reseller account, that is part of our complimentary bundle as well, or with every other domain account through some other registrar company. This way, you'll be able to offer your customers the services that they require so as to start their web presence and you can charge and support them without any difficulty via an intuitive interface.