What is Moodle?

Moodle can be depicted as a web app for creating powerful online courses. Aimed towards presenting teachers the ideal instruments for content material display and learning evaluation purposes, it is very popular amongst professors throughout the world. Moodle is an open–source web application, which is backed up by a large community around the globe and which currently serves about 7 million e–learning web sites and more than one million academics.

Moodle can be used as a primary school website and for a major college portal with a huge number of users. A variety of companies utilize it as a web application for conducting web based classes. Moodle includes a number of action modules (for instance – discussion forums, databases and wikis) for establishing richly collaborative e–learning communities.

Moodle is a trademark of Martin Dougiamas and is not connected with Mountaineer Web Hosting.

Online School Linux Cloud Web Hosting Packages Services

When you start focusing on a brand new project, the quicker it becomes accessible on the www, the better. At Mountaineer Web Hosting we want to enable you to achieve success. That is why we’ve built dedicated Online School Linux cloud web hosting packages solutions. Every one of our Online School Linux cloud web hosting packages plans incorporates a cost–free domain name registration or transfer. We will also instantly install and configure Moodle instead of you.

Thanks to our Online School Linux cloud web hosting packages services, there’s no need to bother about the hosting part at all – our company offers safe and secure Linux cloud web hosting packages. You shall get a 99.9% service uptime guarantee. And we also give you infinite disk space, unrestricted traffic and infinite MySQL storage. And also, the tech support is there to help you 24/7.

A Point & Click Online Control Panel

To help make the control over your Moodle school portal a whole lot easier, we have created our very own custom–made Online Control Panel. It’s accessible in over 10 languages and fuses site administration and domain management in one place. It’s also created to live completely within the cloud and provides speed and stability better than those offered by other control panels.

The Control Panel is brimming with free tools and bonuses. Using our Online School Linux cloud web hosting packages plan, you will get Moodle configured by default. By using our control panel, you’ll be able to set up any single one of over 40 widely recognized apps like Joomla and Wordpress with no setup needed, through our Application Installer. Furthermore, you can employ the Site Acceleration Tools to drastically quicken your websites. Our Statistics Manager will start working immediately, without the need to include any tracking code to your websites.